Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Gender Stereotypes In The Crucible - 1336 Words
Arthur Millerââ¬â¢s The Crucible was written as a response to Senator Joseph McCarthyââ¬â¢s hunt for Communist sympathizers among the Hollywood elite of 1950s America. It made sense at the time for the Hollywood elite to become the targets of these accusations as they seemed to have the largest amount of influence over the people. Accordingly, when deciding upon how to approach the topic of the witch trials, Arthur Miller needed to target a specific group within the chosen society that would have the influence necessary to cause a commotion but could also seem believably involved in the events. Consequently, he chose to exploit the long-standing gender stereotype that women are more emotional than men and could, therefore, easily find themselvesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In this scenario, it is easier to portray Abigail as emotionally unstable than John Proctor as it seems to sit better with audiences that a young girl would be more likely to act irrationally for the sake o f love than a man. Yet, this doesnââ¬â¢t seem to sit right at all when these tired and gendered stereotypes are set aside. John Proctor had been just as involved in the affair as Abigail and while he might not have as intense an emotional connection, he must feel something regarding their relationship. As it is written, it appears that he feels nothing at all except anger, which only comes as a reaction to Abigailââ¬â¢s over-emotional state. From here on, once the audience has established her to be excessively emotional, she becomes a pawn for Arthur Miller to use throughout the rest of the play to drive the hysteria of the witch hunt and, therefore, the plot along. Farther along in the play, in the midst of Act II, John and Elizabeth Proctor and Mary Warren are found speaking about the trials occurring in Salem at the present time. Mary tells them about what she witnessed that day and both Elizabeth and John begin to grow impatient with her stories, clearly frustrated with the outrageous turn the trials have taken. As Mary beings to get worked up about the entire situation, John becomes increasingly less tolerant and threatens MaryShow MoreRelatedIn Todayââ¬â¢S Society Women May Have Their Full Rights, But902 Words à |à 4 Pagesnot respected. They have more say so in their lives, but men overpower them with their leadership and hard-working techniques. In the Crucible women had a routine role. They were forced to go to church, cook, and clean for the house and family. Women also experienced beatings from the man in the house. The difference in women in the 1950s and the women in the crucible, is that many of the roles stay the same. Not m uch has really changed for the role of women. Only certain circumstances women had toRead MoreAnalysis Of The Crucible 848 Words à |à 4 PagesLauren Fiori Ms. Yatco American Lit. Honors October 21st, 2014 Writing from Sources In the introduction to The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Christopher Bigsby describes a crucible as a severe test and applies the definition to the play. Bigsby also expresses that the tests and trials that occurred in Salem are not restricted to this specific historical time; furthermore, these are struggles that people have faced throughout time. Betrayal, denial, rash judgement, and self justification are some ofRead More M. Butterfly, Written by David Henry Hwang Essay800 Words à |à 4 PagesAs a big crucible, the United States is well known for its multiplicity of races. In order to maintain the diversity, the American government not only receives people from different backgrounds, but also sends American to all over the world in order to learn from various cultures. Even though countries become increasingly closer in their relations, there still exists numerous stereotypes and negative labeling among multi-ethnic groups, which are most common between oriental and western. Along withRead MoreFemale Characters Of Women s The Crucible 1478 Words à |à 6 PagesThe status of women continuously changes, however while going through the play The Crucible, women sââ¬â¢ social standing clearly acts as one of inferiority and subordination to male characters. This contributes greatly to the general structure of the storyline. The role of women taking place in the time of the Salem Witch Hunts in 1692, symbolizes the manipulative ways that female characters can become able to make their way to the top of society in the courts, held to a very high esteem. BackstabbingRead MoreFemale Characters Of Women s The Crucible 1478 Words à |à 6 PagesThe status of women continuously changes, however while going through the play The Crucible, women sââ¬â¢ social standing clearly acts as one of inferiority and subordination to male characters. This contributes greatly to the general structure of the storyline. The role of women taking place in the time of the Salem Wi tch Hunts in 1692, symbolizes the manipulative ways that female characters can become able to make their way to the top of society in the courts, held to a very high esteem. BackstabbingRead MoreEssay on Excessive Themes in David Henry Hwangs M. Butterfly1303 Words à |à 6 Pagesstimulated by the superficial layers of the play. Looking at the metaphor M. Butterfly, one is able to extract a vast spectrum of ideas which Hwang suggests, for example: East vs. West, man vs. woman, sexuality, power relations, race, gender, class, stereotypes, fantasyâ⬠¦ etcetera. Now, from a mathematical point of view the metaphor has many variables in the equation, making the problem much more difficult to solve. In other words, Hwangs butterfly metaphor is too ambitious and the audience canRead MoreFeminist Approach to Witchcraft; Case Study: Millers the Crucible6554 Words à |à 27 PagesTitle: Re(dis)covering the Witches in Arthur Millers The Crucible: A Feminist Reading Author(s): Wendy Schissel Publication Details: Modern Drama 37.3 (Fall 1994): p461-473. Source: Drama Criticism. Vol. 31. Detroit: Gale. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Critical essay Bookmark: Bookmark this Document Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning Title Re(dis)covering the Witches in Arthur Millers The Crucible: A Feminist Reading [(essay date fall 1994) In the followingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Gilded Age1348 Words à |à 6 Pageseconomic depressions, railroad accidents, social and ethnic conflict, political corruption but affirms overwhelming optimism and the massive changes in technology and opportunity (ethnic, gender, everyone). 1 The Gilded Age was a time of immense change in America: ââ¬Å"a new United States emerged out of a crucible of fireâ⬠3 Edwards argues that the extensive reach and explosive growth postwar corporations was almost as destructive as the Civil War because of all the deaths suffered in railroad accidentsRead MoreThe Crucible; Belonging and Identity. Pans Labyrinth and the Company of Wolves as Related Texts1999 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Crucible Discussion Notes. Oneââ¬â¢s belonging will always be entrenched in the ââ¬Ëbelongingââ¬â¢ established by another group; regardless of whether or not you wish to be a part of such a group. That is to say, even if it is your aim to find your sense of belonging totally outside of another group, the course of action required to achieve this belonging through not belonging will be influenced by the sense of belonging established by the group; in your wish to contrast that belonging. A less convolutedRead MoreThird Wave Feminism : First And Second Wave1813 Words à |à 8 Pagesdemonstrated women of color by claiming Women s struggle is class struggle. Feminists spoke of women as a social class and coined phrases such as the personal is political and identity politics in an effort to demonstrate that race, class, and gender oppression are all related. This lead to the failure of second wave feminism and brought among a postfeminist era. As a result, third wave feminism criticized earlier feminist w aves for presenting universal answers or definitions of womanhood and
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Science Behind The Desalination Process Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
Desalination is the procedure of taking salt from salty H2O to do it suited for imbibing or for usage by industries that require really pure H2O. ( Water Corporation Australia, 2011 ) Desalination workss are normally located near sea or ocean as most desalinization workss get the salty H2O from the sea and ocean. There are many ways of taking the salt from H2O but the chief 3 procedures are: Electrodialysis, Thermal distillment and Reverse osmosis. We will write a custom essay sample on The Science Behind The Desalination Process Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Electrodialysis Salts dissolved in H2O are ionic which mean they can be either be positively charged ions or negatively charged ions. When an electrical charged is passed through the H2O so ââ¬Å" opposites attract â⬠happens the salt ions will travel toward the antonym charged for illustration a positively charged salt ion will travel toward a negative charge, a negatively charged salt ion will travel toward the positively charge. Once the salt ions have move towards the antonym charged you will hold separated salt from H2O. A membrane is used to divide the purified H2O and salt ions. Thermal distillment The procedure in which salt H2O from the sea or ocean is heated to bring forth steam, so the steam will be condensed on a cold surface and H2O will be left behind. Rearward Osmosis Rearward Osmosis is uses a really high force per unit area and a really all right membrane to roll up the fresh H2O from the salty H2O. The membrane is like a strainer it has holes on the strainer which the holes are merely little plenty to let H2O eyeglasss pass through but non allow salt eyeglasss and other drosss to go through though the membrane Electrodialysis Rearward Osmosis Benefits The benefits of desalinization are that you can easy happen the resource, 97 % of the H2O is in ocean and sea and all of that is salt H2O which means that companies and authoritiess can construct desalinization workss and can be certain that the desalinization works will acquire a changeless supply of H2O. For illustration a Government decides to construct a desalinization works and they locate the works merely off shore from the major metropolis, they have a pipe connected to the major metropolis and they turn the desalinization works on H2O is now being filtered by the procedure contrary osmosis all of a sudden you have merely created another really sustainable H2O supply for you metropolis and you have reduced the sum of H2O that needs to be extracted from the chief river. Another benefit of constructing a desalinization works is that the H2O is besides really clean after the filtering and does non necessitate external 3rd party cleansing which river H2O does. When the desalinizat ion works finished the procedure of filtrating out the salt from the seawater the H2O is really pure so it does non necessitate to travel through extra cleansing, the filtered H2O from the desalinization works may merely necessitate Cl to be added to the H2O and it would be absolutely potable and clean and pure and it would be more cost effectual merely to make all the procedure, filtrating salt and so adding Cl to filtered H2O all in the one desalinization works. Another benefit is that desalinization is more ââ¬Å" socially â⬠accepted than effluent recycling ( Which is H2O from lavatories, cloacas etc ) authoritiess would be much more successful seeking to sell desalinization to the populace than seeking to sell recycled H2O from your lavatories. Disadvantages Desalination workss are really inefficient and research suggest that if a desalinization works pumps in 500million litres of H2O and so filtrate that 500litres so 250million litres would be pure H2O and the other 250million litres would be salt and drosss which so is pumped back into sea or ocean merely job being that salt and drosss is twice the dressed ore of salt than seawater which means when the following burden of H2O comes in it will be more concentrated than the burden before which mean the desalinization it would be more salt than H2O so the efficiency of the desalinization workss goes down even more. Another downside of a desalinization works is that it uses a batch of energy to power the works which means that it is consuming our energy resources which is already on a strain so fundamentally they are seeking to repair the H2O crisis but making more quandary for the nursery effects and planetary heating issue. But being run on electricity is another issue what happens if th ey metropolis all of a sudden had a black out, even though the desalinization works may hold backup generators they wo nââ¬â¢t be able to keep a power for a works every bit large as a desalinization works, so if we had a power blackout would that average half of the metropolis H2O supply is gone or if we rely entirely on the desalinization works it would intend that the whole metropolis H2O supply is gone which would be really troublesome for the metropolis. Another disadvantage is that ââ¬Å" nil is perfect â⬠no affair how perfect the engineering is it non hone and if something all of a sudden goes incorrect say in rearward osmosis the membrane is excessively big and salt and drosss manage to go through through it would non merely endanger the occupant of metropolis its supply H2O but cause a batch of people to be ill or even dices. Social effects of desalinization Peoples can still be really disbelieving about imbibing H2O from the sea or ocean even though scientist and applied scientists of the desalinization works says the H2O is absolutely safe, there is ever on the dorsum of your head, what if some went incorrect and they H2O is non wholly pure? Would you desire to give that H2O to your kids, your babe, and your aged parents? With desalinization there is ever that thought that it is non wholly clean, it ââ¬Ës truly salt H2O filtered a twosome of clip to acquire pure H2O. Which is turn affects us socially because that it ever traveling to be a difficult sell for authoritiess to state to their occupants that this H2O is absolutely clean. Economic effects of desalinization Desalination workss are really expensive and they money has to come from someplace so revenue enhancement remunerators end up paying for the desalinization works which obviously makes it even a harder sell for authoritiess, now non merely you have a H2O supply which is less dependable and possible less pure than fresh river H2O you have to pay for this less dependable and less pure beginning of H2O. They H2O measures will hold to travel up every bit good non merely will they charged a levy to pay for the desalinization works they will do you pay excess to subsidies the cost of running the works ( Electricity, paying staff etc ) Environmental effects of desalinization When you build a desalinization works merely of shore you besides could perchance interrupt the natural home ground of certain animate beings like fish or they would hold to clear land and which means they will pass over certain types of creates out of their natural home ground which is non ideal, you killing of species and damaging the land. As mentioned before desalinization workss use a batch of power so it will consume fossil fuels and add the turning job of nurseries gas and planetary heating and C emanations as good. Decision Desalination is a really feasible and realistic solution for H2O direction, it can work out the H2O crisis presently is seem like desalinization is the best alternate solution for H2O in many major metropoliss around the word as it easier accessible engineering is instead mature downside being its really inefficient and cost a batch of money and uses a batch of power. But their possibly better or every bit good solution out at that place instead than desalinization like waste/storm H2O recycling which is a effectual manner of supplying a secondary H2O supply but with societal effects which people non wishing the fact they are re imbibing their lavatory H2O. A more feasible solution possibly is rainwater reaping in which persons can roll up rainwater and utilize it for their demand which major societal or economical affect merely job being that you can truly merely collect rainwater when it rains hence is atrocious inefficient and non dependable. So in stating all of that, Desalinatio n is the best technique to work out our H2O crisis. How to cite The Science Behind The Desalination Process Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Global Ethics Sustainability Model In India-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: What Is The Acceptance Rate Of Global Ethics And Sustainable Business Model In Indian Business Culture? Answer: Introducation The topic of research that has been chosen is the role of global ethics and sustainability in the Indian business market. This topic is chosen as it includes the latest business model concept that challenges and poses questionable purpose of the traditional view and model upon which business organizations used to operate. According to the traditional model of business, expansion, growth, profit and sales maximization was the long term goal and the primary concern of the business. This notion has been challenged by scholars and many visionaries saying that the new and the more contemporary business model that is to be incorporated in the business is the sustainability model which has a concept called the triple bottom line. The concept of triple bottom line states that there fundamentals of a business are based on three pillars or 3Ps: Price, People and Planet. While the price is the traditional concept that was initially the prime focus, two more ideas has been included which is very critical and yet was neglected in the traditional business model. In this research the discussion is going to be focused around the People and the Planet aspect of the contemporary business model. Aims and objectives of the study: The research and study of this paper aims to developing a comprehensive idea regarding the knowledge of the new business model that is prevent among leading business organizations. The impacts that large organizations business models sand structures have on Indian business environment. Furthermore, the idea is to identify the challenges faced by Indian business organizations to implement the contemporary changes in the enterprise. The objectives of the study are: To identify the growth and acceptance of global ethics and sustainability in the business organization To understand the issues and the pitfalls that companies might face in order to implement the changes To develop an idea about how acceptance of sustainability and global ethics have positively or negatively impacted the companys operations To identify the prospect of business organization after implementing the sustainability model. Sources of data Data will be collected in two sources firstly secondary data which is the information about the topic that is already available in hardcopies or in soft copies. The secondary data forms a platform or the primary data research it gives a point of reference to begin the primary research process. Sources of secondary data are: journal articles, books and electronic documents. Sources of primary data are: survey and interview Types of analysis Because there are two types of material and information sources included in the procedure. The analysis will also be preceded in two ways firstly a theme based analysis is going to take place based on the secondary research and the literature review that is available on the relevant topic. Then a data analysis of the primary research is going to offer a concert insight, finding, conclusion and recommendation of the topic. Grantt Chart: Activity Week1-2 Week 3-4 Week 5-6 Week 7-8 Week 9-10 Week 11-12 Selection of topic Review of the research topic Gathering of secondary data Theme based analysis Gathering of primary data Analysis of data Conclusions and recommendations Reference list: Bertsch, A., Ondracek, J., Saeed, M., Bates, S., Abdullah, A. B. M. (2013). Business environment in India: an international perspective. Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Ferrell,O.C. Hirt G.A., Ferrell. L. (2016). Business: achangingworld(10th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Glac, K. (2015). Triple Bottom Line.Wiley Encyclopedia of Management. Gold, S., Hahn, R., Seuring, S. (2013). Sustainable supply chain management in Base of the Pyramid food projectsA path to triple bottom line approaches for multinationals?.International Business Review,22(5), 784-799. Halpern, B. S., Klein, C. J., Brown, C. J., Beger, M., Grantham, H. S., Mangubhai, S., ... Possingham, H. P. (2013). Achieving the triple bottom line in the face of inherent trade-offs among social equity, economic return, and conservation.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,110(15), 6229-6234. Henriques, A., Richardson, J. (Eds.). (2013).The triple bottom line: Does it all add up. Routledge. Khan, R., 2015. Small Hydro Power in India: Is it a sustainable business?.Applied Energy,152, pp.207-216. Milne, M. J., Gray, R. (2013). W (h) ither ecology? The triple bottom line, the global reporting initiative, and corporate sustainability reporting.Journal of business ethics,118(1), 13-29. Sarkis, J., Koo, C., Watson, R. T. (2013). Green information systems technologiesthis generation and beyond: Introduction to the special issue.Information Systems Frontiers,15(5), 695-704. Savitz, A. (2013).The triple bottom line: how today's best-run companies are achieving economic, social and environmental success-and how you can too. John Wiley Sons. Schlosberg, D., Coles, R. (2016). The new environmentalism of everyday life: Sustainability, material flows and movements.Contemporary Political Theory,15(2), 160-181. Stables, K., Keirl, S. (Eds.). (2015).Environment, ethics and cultures: Design and technology educations contribution to sustainable global futures(Vol. 5). Springer. Turnheim, B., Berkhout, F., Geels, F., Hof, A., McMeekin, A., Nykvist, B., van Vuuren, D. (2015). Evaluating sustainability transitions pathways: Bridging analytical approaches to address governance challenges.Global Environmental Change,35, 239-253. Widdows, H., 2014.Global ethics: An introduction. Routledge.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Why the United States is competitive as a society Essay Example
Why the United States is competitive as a society Essay That America is the Worldââ¬â¢s super power goes without saying.à America has virtually dominated all fields from the military might and strength to agriculture, space exploration and other aspects that include sports, music, innovations, democracy and many other fields where the country scores highly. The country has reached a remarkable level that has seen it gain the super power status in a span of 3 centuries since its colonization.à Since its colonization in the 18th century the transformation that has taken place in America came about by the competitive nature of the new inhabitants of the ââ¬Å"New Worldâ⬠.à The foundation of the countryââ¬â¢s stability and economic development was wholly founded on the bedrock of capitalism.à Perhaps the competitiveness of the American Society can be traced back to this fact alone. Capitalism gained ground in the early years of the colonization period when the new settlers rushed in to take advantage of the virgin hinterland where they started exploiting the resources that the new land had to offer. We will write a custom essay sample on Why the United States is competitive as a society specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why the United States is competitive as a society specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why the United States is competitive as a society specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer America has made tremendous strides in many aspects over the last few centuries.à It played a significant role in the innovation field including the development of the information and communication Technology that has completely turned the world and transformed not only how business is conducted but how societies interact as well. Sports in the United States of America Just like in other fields, Americaââ¬â¢s competitive nature has been witnessed in the sports arena, sports forms the very fabric that is the American society and defines the culture of the Nation.à The culture of sports is very distinct and extremely different from sports in other countries of the world. While football (soccer) is adored world over, in American this is a different story all together, the Americans by nature prefer a different and unique kind of sports. In the American society setup, sports plays a very significant role because apart from the popularity it commands it acts as the vehicle of transmitting various values of fair play, justice, team work and goes along way of integrating the various social dynamics that makes up the American society. The racial and social disintegration that characterized the American landscape during the period of the early sixties has virtually disappeared because of the role sports has played in bringing people from à various cultures and race to work , play and enjoy together. It cannot be gainsaid that sports is the ââ¬Å"social glueâ⬠that has held the country together. (Deford, F 79) Sporting in America can be traced back to the colonial period because during this time team sports was more or less regarded as the way of life through the various forms of the ball games that would later evolve to the various forms of baseball, basketball and others. The colonialists and settlers that immigrated to America from Europe in the 17th century are credited with the bringing of the contemporary American sports of baseball, football and basketball. The colonialists also had great interest in sports like fishing, horse racing, shooting and running. The 1800s saw the introduction of such recent sports like tennis and golf, with recent decades ushering in such ââ¬Å"extreme sportsâ⬠like mountain biking, sail boarding, sport climbing and ice hockey. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 17) During the colonial period the Native Americanââ¬â¢s form of sports was the Lacrosse which was a popular team sport. Lacrosse was limited in popularity and was only limited to the States of New England and mid-Atlantic. The popularity seems to be spreading nationally seeing such lacrosse leagues like the NLL and MLL and sometimes the games draw up to 10,000 fans in the areas where it is popular.( Fisher, Donald M 22) However, the ball games as we know them today had to go through various transformations during the 19th century and were ââ¬Å"re-fashionedâ⬠to make them the most popular sports in the country. Across the United States athletic contests have continued to shape various rituals that form the basis of the American culture. The growth of team sports was brought about by the growth of individual competition. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 13) America is a sporting country; this came about because early American presidents like Benjamin n Franklin and Thomas Jefferson emphasized the need for fitness and advocated frequently for such fitness activities like swimming and running. Most of the various successive presidents that followed in the 20th Century followed their cue and continued encouraging the aspect of physical activity. It was during the tenure of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 that the Presidents Council on Youth Fitness was founded with the sole responsibility of ensuring that the youths in America were encouraged to make fitness one of their priorities. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 16) This Council later evolved to become the Presidents Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and now encompassed every American, regardless of age and ability. The focus of the Council nevertheless remained on using sports and games as the catalyst to fitness and healthy living. The formation of the council greatly influenced the spread of the awareness of fitness and encouraged the development of various sporting activities. This influence has continued up to today. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 17) In the U.S unlike many nations in the world, sports are intertwined with the education system where a great number of students across the whole country participate in athletic programs that are sponsored by the respective colleges and schools. Students who excel in the athletic field find themselves getting scholarships to colleges acting as a motivator for the nurturing of talent.à Students excelling at this level also stand a better chance of making great strides in their lives. The government has continued to emphasize on the development and the nurturing of talent across the country and this emphasis has continued to greatly enhance the sporting capability of the nation. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 17) In the US there are various types of sports but there are 4 sports that are very popular and include ice hockey, basketball American football and baseball.à All of these sports are organized in major leagues, which receive extremely high media coverage strengthening the love of the sports and increasing their popularity. (Gorn, E Goldstein, W 22) Among the most popular sports in the US baseball remains the oldest dating back to 1869.à Baseball also unlike other spectator sports that are popular it is played almost daily from April through October.à The popularity of baseball however lost its popularity though it ranks number one in terms of ticket sales. The American football has replaced baseball in terms of popularity and is credited for attracting millions of American T.V viewers.à However the American football ticket sales fall below those ones of baseball because unlike baseball the American football teams that form the National football leaguer play sixteen regular season annual games. Basketball is another popular sports in America and is represented by the professional National Basketball Association.à Such popular figures as Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson have continued to be idolized world over for their prowess in the basketball sport. (Deford, F 79) Springfield, Massachusetts is believed to be the cradle of basketball when it was ââ¬Å"inventedâ⬠by James Naismith who was a Canadian teacher specializing in physical education ( http://www.nba.com ).The sport is rated among the top three in the country and continues to elicit great enthusiasm not only in the country where it originated but the whole world as well. NBA as it is popularly known is a professional body and is rated as the worldââ¬â¢s number one basketball league. The league playoffs normally start in April bringing in eight teams that have qualified from the conference to compete for the Larry OBrien Championship Trophy. ( http://www.nba.com ). Most of the NBA players have continued to represent the United States of America in various international competitions where they have continued to dominate and win most trophies. In the 1992 Olympics, the Dream Team that comprised Michael Jordan among others won the gold medal in the menââ¬â¢s basketball category. Since then the American team has been on the winning streak. ( http://www.nba.com ). The popularity of basketball in America can only be equated to that one of the American foot ball. This popularity has come about by the popularization of the game from the tertiary level to college and high school levels through out the country. Annually in the month of March a national college basketball champions are picked after a rigorous elimination tournament. The tournament brings together about 65 teams who compete to get the eventual winner. It is during such tournaments that NBA teams scout for talent among the budding youth. According to The National Sporting Goods Association, because of the popularity and the big money to be earned in this game, basketball remains the most played sport in America. (http://www.nba.com ). America has continued to inspire the world with its classic and competitive basketball that generates billion of dollars in revenues especially for the major advertising companies. The basketball sport at the same time also generates big earnings for the players who earn in excess off millions of dollars annually for just playing. The sport generates more millionaires more than any other sport in America.(http://www.nba.com ). Another popular sport in the U.S is baseball with the Major League Baseball remaining the most popular baseball league. .(Enders Eric 34) à This particular league has a schedule for about 162 games thereby generating the most revenue in ticket sales although it is not rated as the most popular game. Americans across the country still regard the game as a ââ¬Å"national pastimeâ⬠because historically, it has been the major sport since the late 19th century spanning over to the 20th century. Today in the months of April through October, teams in the Major League Baseball, play almost daily.(Enders Eric 36) The roots of baseball in the U.S, at the professional level can be traced to 1865, with the formation of the National League as the first major league, coming in 1876. In the last month of October when the leagues comes to a close at the World Series the winners of the two leagues; The American League and the National League play against each other and the winner is determined by a playoff of the best-of-seven. Notable figures in baseball include Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, Hank Aaron among others. (Deford, F 79) Besides basketball and baseball there are many other team and individual sports that have continued to grow in America. Because of the organization and the enthusiasm that sports has continued to generate many lives of young and talented youths have been turned around for a better and promising future. However the competitiveness and the quest for fame and wealth have equally wrecked the lives of many American sportspeople. There has been a general increase in cases of the use of anabolic steroids and other performance drugs that has continued to dog the American athletes. Many athletes have been stripped of there medals bringing disgrace to themselves and their country as well. (http://grg51.typepad.com) Some of the popular failed doping cases that have shaken the athletic world include the case of Ben Johnson, Marion Jones, and Maurice Greene among others. These Americans athletes have been stripped of their medals and some like Marion Jones have served jail sentences for the offences. They have made American athletes to be scrutinized closely because America has come to be known as the ââ¬Å"Steroid Nationâ⬠, where steroids and other performance enhancing drugs are used with abandon. (http://grg51.typepad.com) Works Cited Axthelm, Pete. The City Game: Basketball from the Garden to the Playgrounds. Lincoln:à à à à à à à à à à University of Nebraska Press, 1999.p11-25 Deford, Frank. The Heart of a Champion: Celebrating the Spirit and Character of Greatà à à à à à à à à à à American Sports Heroes. Minnetonka, MN: NorthWord, 2002.78-79 Enders, Eric. 100 Years of the World Series. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2003. p34-38 Fisher, Donald M. Lacrosse: A History of the Game. Baltimore, Maryland Johns Hopkinsà à à à à à à à à University Press. 2002 Gorn, Elliott J., and Goldstein, Warren. A Brief History of American Sports. Urbana:à à à à à University of Illinois Press, 2004. p12-14 Steroid Nation: Retrieved on 6th June 2008 from: http://grg51.typepad.com/steroid_nation/marion_jones_tim_montgomery/index.html History of Basketball in Canada: Article dated 8th March 2002 Retrieved on 6th June 2008 from http://www.nba.com/canada/History_of_Basketball_in_Canad-Canada_Generic_Article-18023.html
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on 20th Century Sex
THE twentieth century, as we know, has frequently been called ``the century of the child.'' When, however, we turn to the books of Ellen Key, who has most largely and sympathetically taken this point of view, one asks oneself whether, after all, the child's century has brought much to the child. Ellen Key points out, with truth, that, even in our century, parents may for the most part be divided into two classes: those who act as if their children existed only for their benefit, and those who act as if they existed only for their children's benefit, the results, she adds, being alike deplorable. For the first group of parents tyrannise over the child, seek to destroy its individuality, exercise an arbitrary discipline too spasmodic to have any of the good effects of discipline and would model him into a copy of themselves, though really, she adds, it ought to pain them very much to see themselves exactly copied. The second group of parents may wish to model their children not after t hemselves but after their ideals, yet they differ chiefly from the first class by their over-indulgence, by their anxiety to pamper the child by yielding to all his caprices and artificially protecting him from the natural results of those caprices, so that instead of learning freedom he has merely acquired self-will. These parents do not indeed tyrannise over their children but they do worse; they train their children to be tyrants. Against these two tendencies of our century Ellen Key declares her own Alpha and Omega of the art of education. Try to leave the child in peace; live your own life beautifully, nobly, temperately, and in so living you will sufficiently teach your children to live. It is not my purpose here to consider how far this conception of the duty of parents towards children is justified, and whether or not peace is the best preparation for a world in which struggle dominates. All these questions about education are rather idle. The... Free Essays on 20th Century Sex Free Essays on 20th Century Sex THE twentieth century, as we know, has frequently been called ``the century of the child.'' When, however, we turn to the books of Ellen Key, who has most largely and sympathetically taken this point of view, one asks oneself whether, after all, the child's century has brought much to the child. Ellen Key points out, with truth, that, even in our century, parents may for the most part be divided into two classes: those who act as if their children existed only for their benefit, and those who act as if they existed only for their children's benefit, the results, she adds, being alike deplorable. For the first group of parents tyrannise over the child, seek to destroy its individuality, exercise an arbitrary discipline too spasmodic to have any of the good effects of discipline and would model him into a copy of themselves, though really, she adds, it ought to pain them very much to see themselves exactly copied. The second group of parents may wish to model their children not after t hemselves but after their ideals, yet they differ chiefly from the first class by their over-indulgence, by their anxiety to pamper the child by yielding to all his caprices and artificially protecting him from the natural results of those caprices, so that instead of learning freedom he has merely acquired self-will. These parents do not indeed tyrannise over their children but they do worse; they train their children to be tyrants. Against these two tendencies of our century Ellen Key declares her own Alpha and Omega of the art of education. Try to leave the child in peace; live your own life beautifully, nobly, temperately, and in so living you will sufficiently teach your children to live. It is not my purpose here to consider how far this conception of the duty of parents towards children is justified, and whether or not peace is the best preparation for a world in which struggle dominates. All these questions about education are rather idle. The...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Advantages of Genetic Engineering in Animals
Advantages of Genetic Engineering in Animals How successful would the Enviro-pig be if released into the general pig population in terms of longevity of the trait and continued benefits to the environment? And do the ethical issues stacked against the Enviro-pig validate its modified presents in the genepool? DNA is the foundation of all genetic material found in every living organism on earth. Commonly known as its full name Deoxyribonucleic acid, it is an electrically neutral group of atoms held together in a chemical bond known as a molecule . In this case a biomolecule produced by a living organism composed of nucleic acid, carbohydrates and proteins . This mixture is coiled in two biopolymer strands forming adouble helix. Biopolymers being a biomolecule of a polymer , which is a large molecule, composed of monomers . These biopolymer strands are composed of thirteen nucleotide monomers bonded in a chain, in turn called a polynucleotide . Nucleotides being singular polynucleotides composed of a nucleobase (co ntaining nitrogen). Being split into four bases each nucleobase is as followed: Guanine (C 5 H 5 N 5 O): Pairing in sequence with cytosine, guanine is derived from purine. Purine is an organic compound structured from a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring (called a pyrimidine-imidazole ring ). The base is represented as ââ¬ËGââ¬â¢. Adenine (C 5 H 5 N 5 ): Similar to that of Guanine, Adenine is derived from purine. In addition itââ¬â¢s an important part of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the nitrogenous base adenine bonded to a five carbon sugar. These molecules have the ability to phosphorylise and add phosphate groups to other molecules. This allocation of phosphates allows energy to be released. It is this energy which is used in the cells of living organisms. The base is represented as ââ¬ËAââ¬â¢. Thymine (C 5 H 6 N 2 O 2 ): Combining with Adenine this nucleobase is often replaces with uracil in RNA . It is also the common cause of mutations in DNA. When in the presence ofultraviolet light, radiation causes alterations in the DNA molecule that inhibit normal function. These ââ¬Å"kinksâ⬠are referred to as pyrimidine dimers . The base is represented as ââ¬ËTââ¬â¢. Cytosine ( C 4 H 5 N 3 O) : Pairing with guanine this base is a pyrimidine derivative. A heterocyclic aromatic ring that when as cytosine triphosphate (CTP) can performance as a co-factor to enzymes, able to transfer a phosphate to transfigure adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Nucleotides of a DNA stand line up so each sugar and phosphate molecule connects. As said an adenine only pairs with a thymine and a cytosine only pairs with a guanine. The sugars are linked together by phosphate clusters via phosphodiester bonds, branching between adjacent sugar rings. The dual helix is stabilized by the bases of hydrogen bonds, before bunching together and constricting a vase line of rungs. All are curled to gether with multiple strands to form a chromosome . Being such a delicate sequence of codes , all of which contributing towards every characteristic in an organism, if altered or affect in a minor way a secession of errors and mutations can occur. Mutation is when an alteration of a nucleotide arrangement in the genome causes changes in an organism. Even if by a small change, the structural integrity of a creature can differ. But if this large sequence of coding is only effect in one base, in one strand, located in a single cell, the error theoretically should not affect the creature. However through Protein synthesis and mitosis a fault can replicate and spread.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
History and Background of Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History and Background of Outsourcing - Essay Example . Even though America and European countries are highly developed regions compared to the countries in the other parts of the world, these regions are facing immense manpower shortage in critical employment sectors. For example, in construction industry and healthcare industry, majority of the people working in these regions are from Asian countries. In other words, opportunities are more compared to the number of available manpower resources in developing countries. Thus, manpower cost is highly expensive in developed countries whereas in developing or underdeveloped countries manpower resources are more and hence the labor cost is cheap. For example, heavily populated countries such as India and China have surplus manpower resources whereas employment opportunities are less in these countries. Out sourcing helps developed countries to exploit the abundant cheap manpower resources in heavily populated countries so that they can reduce the prices of their commodities and compete effe ctively in international market. This paper analyses the history and background of outsourcing. History and background of outsourcing The evolution of Outsourcing can be attributed to globalization and liberalization. ... Keeping these points in mind, these countries developed and introduced the globalization policies. Even though countries like China watched these polices with suspicion, they also realised the opportunities quickly and embraced globalization. As industries grown, organizations started to look for opportunities in international market. Domestic markets were insufficient for some of the major organizations to sell their products during the second half of the twentieth century. Such organizations started to explore opportunities outside the domestic market and as a result of that competition started to increase in international market. Along with opportunities, these organizations faced lot of challenges also in international market. Some organizations were able to reduce the prices of their products considerably of the availability of cheap labour in their home country. For example, Chinese products are still causing major worries to international companies because of its cheaper price s. This is because of the fact that China has plenty of manpower resources and their labour cost is comparatively low. In the 1990s, as organizations began to focus more on cost-saving measures, they started to outsource those functions necessary to run a company but not related specifically to the core business. Managers contracted with emerging service companies to deliver accounting, human resources, data processing, internal mail distribution, security, plant maintenance, and the like as a matter of ââ¬Å"good housekeepingâ⬠. Outsourcing components to affect cost savings in key functions is yet another stage as managers seek to improve their finances (Handfield, Ph.D, 2006) Even though the business process
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Both Tocqueville And Weber Believe That You Cannot Understand Modern Essay
Both Tocqueville And Weber Believe That You Cannot Understand Modern Society Without Understanding Religion - Essay Example On the other hand Tocqueville is also revered for his theories and ideas about present norms of civil society and culture. As compared to other thinkers and philosophers they have been able to retain the acceptance of their ideas among various sects of society. Max Weber wrote The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism in 1905. It was one of the important sociological works of the last century. He tried to explain the history of past 500 years of Europe. The so-called era Enlightenment that revolutionized almost every aspect of the life of Europeans first and then whole world. He was surprised to note that initially this revolution affected Europe only and then spread everywhere with the spread of colonization. This revolution actually gave a rational interpretation the life. Weber considered American society most ideal society to be studied for understanding the great sociological evolution. Fortunately American society was combination all those necessary factors required for such type of evolution. These factors are vast land with enormous resources, diverse population coming from almost all parts of world, secular practices in pragmatic matters. All these and some other factors worked as catalyst for grand revolution in short span of time. Thus a unique culture and civilization evolved. No nation in the world became such a great-civilized power like Americans. All other civilizations that evolved in the past were influence by some sort of religious or racial movements. Weber did not stop here but he went one step forward and declared that there is no possibility in foreseeable future that any other nation may evolve so rapidly and may get so much favorable factors. Weber seems a little pessimist when he says that capitalism has reached it extreme height in America and perhaps it is its last stage. It can not go beyond this. He was very impressed by the extreme capitalist nature of American economy and society and appreciated it. He thought that Americans have used the theories of capitalism in the best way. After all the praise for the rapid development of American society and economy, Weber seems little concerned about the religious influence on American life. He liked the positive role played by religion in enhancing the ethical values. He found the secret of success of those religious groups after extensive travelling. He observed that majority of religious reformists did their work voluntarily. They were successful and active members of society with strong moral character. Weber was a keen observer; he saw great contrast between the socially isolated Church of Europe and socially integrated church of America. He was very impressed by the influence of American religious groups on the social life of common Americans. These religious groups were less interested in religious rituals but they were keen to reform the society morally and ethically. They were very selective in recruiting the volunteers for their lines. They only took those people whom morally strong and believed the well-established ethical values. These religious groups had a great impact on the American society. They never separated religion from practical social life. They actually taught the society to be morally ethical, religiously strong and professionally useful and adept in the field of their particular expertise. He thought those traditional
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The United States economic Essay Example for Free
The United States economic Essay In trying to rescue the United States economic financial system there is a possibility of the economy to be affect by massive hangovers from the effort of the government to prevent the accumulation of debt. The government instead has found a swift way of stimulating the economy through the financial bailout. The government wishes to take a mountain of accumulated debts due to bad loans caused by financial institution as a result of subprime mortgage lending. The debt is worth $700 billion of money. To have this debt clear under the bailout bill so that the economy can be stimulated to grow, the united government had no other option other than borrowing. For the borrowing to be successful, it had be done when the there is soaring of the federal budget deficit. The deficit for the year 2008 was expected to increase by $407 billion which was double the imbalance for year 2007 worth $161. 5 which indicated a slowdown in the economy. However, as from 2008 up to now, $168 billion programs of economic stimulus are already doing in the books of government. The passed congress legislation gave authority to have the Fannie and Freddie be rescued which resulted into the boosting of national debt. The legislation the administration late authorized the bailout financial system (Bernanke, 2008, 1). The implementation of the financial bailout as an economic stimulus has caused a lot of concern on what long term affects it poses to the United States economy. The issue here is, as the government is borrowing to offset the already existing debt, the debt instead is expanding from time to time. To pay the national debt interest the government is spending not less that $400 billion each year. As the debt increases, the cost of government borrowing also goes up and therefore leading to some of the indented programs in settling that existing debt to be awarded less money. Due to financial crises of the year 2008 the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) has eased the stance of the monetary policy. The FOMC has consistently relaxed the monetary policy which has stabilized the prices giving hopes to increase of economic slack and flattering-out of the energy prices. FOMC after the implementation of the monetary policy anticipates the economic strengthening over this quarter as the previous lagged monetary policy action effects, amid improvement of the conditions of financial market has starts to provide extra spending and stabilization of the housing activities. Despite the implementation of the monetary policy in the year 2007 and up to the early 2008 the economic growth slowed sharply. In 2007 the restrain on activities concentrated on the housing sector, where as in year 2008 the other sectors of economy began to experience this. The prices of commodities have remained high for the whole year causing consumer price inflation (Bernanke, 2008, 23). The demand on houses, construction of residential home and prices of homes have fallen sharply in the year 2008. In the first few months of 2008 the delinquency rate continued to go down across all mortgage loans. New subprime mortgage loans has been highly unavailable for that year making the borrowers to experience high risk of credit which had to go for the guarantee programs offered by the government. Due to this, the Federal Reserve with the other stakeholders is now committed to come up with a solution that will prevent the foreclosure of the houses. The Federal Reserve is committed to offer an environment that gives support to goals of the homeownership of giving loans to borrowers who are creditworthy with ideal protection of the consumer and responsible practices of lending. On the issue of consumer spending has been going down for the whole of 2008 which is an indication of restrained influence. The real labor income growth rate has gone down ass the prices of energy and food, and conditions of labor market continue to weaken. This has affected the consumer purchasing power. In addition to this, it has been difficult for consumers to borrow as the standards and the terms have been tightened. This has led to deterioration of the quality of the overall credit of consumer loans (Bernanke, 2008, 30). On the side of business sector, the financial and economic conditions that influence spending of capital have appreciably deteriorated. During the months of 2008 the real outlay for business software and equipments were flat. The inventories have decreases irrespective of sluggish final sales making the firms to act promptly to prevent the imbalances of inventory from arising. The United States corporate profit during the same time was very low. The weakening of corporate profit and tight conditions of credit has resulted to slow down of business investment. Loans of Commercial and Industrial at banks in the firs months of 2008 briskly expanded. In the same period the quality of credit in nonfinancial corporations remained solid. As a result of this banks tightened the standards of credit on commercial loans of real estates. To conclude, the economic stimulus act is approximated to result to rebates worth $115 billion which will be sent to the households by the end of 2009 (Bernanke, 2008, 35). Work cited Bernanke Ben. Monetary Policy Report to the Congress. Washington, D. C. , July 15, 2008, pp. 1-42
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Awakening Essay -- Literary Analysis, Kate Chopin
Kate Chopin wrote for a reason and with a sense of passion and desire. She lived the way she wanted to and wrote what she felt, thought, and wanted to say. Kate wrote for many years and her popularity was extreme until critical disapproval of her novel, The Awakening, a story that portrayed womenââ¬â¢s desires of independence and control of their own sexuality. Most men condemned this story, while women applauded her for it. Kate wrote with a sense of realism and naturalism and she created a voice that is unique and unmatched. The voice gave a view of the female role in society and contributed to the beginning of the later feminist movements. In 1915, Fred Lewis Pattee wrote, "some of Chopin's work is equal to the best that has been produced in France or even in America. She displayed what may be described as a native aptitude for narration amounting almost to genius" (qtd. in Amazon.com ââ¬Å"About the Authorâ⬠). Kate Chopin was a 19th century American author who cared abou t women and their rights. She was a bold writer who had a huge impact on how the world should treat women. On February 8, 1851, Katherine Oââ¬â¢Flaherty was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Kate was born to the parents of Thomas Oââ¬â¢Flaherty and Eliza Faris. Her father was a wealthy Irish immigrant and a successful businessman. Sadly, Kateââ¬â¢s father died in a railway accident when she was only four years old. Kateââ¬â¢s childhood was influenced mostly by her mother and great-grandmother. Kate spent much time with her familyââ¬â¢s Creole and mulatto slaves, becoming familiar with their dialects. She attended Sacred Heart convent where she was a very poor student, but an avid reader. At the age of eleven Kateââ¬â¢s great-grandmother as well as her half-brother died. These two deaths caused Kat... ...wn as one of the most important women in 19th century American fiction. Kate grew up in a world where women were seen as very little importance. She wrote to change that. Kate wrote with passion and a sense of realism. She proved to the world around her that women were just as equal to men. Conclusively, Kate Chopin is known to be the first feminist writer and a woman ahead of her time. Even though during her time she was looked down upon for the things she wrote, she is celebrated and acclaimed by people around the world today. Kate's writings provided her with the means to live how she wanted-both mentally and physically-rather than play the role society expected of her. Kate Chopin proved to women they had a right to express themselves however they wanted to. This is why Kate is known today as one of the most important women in 19th century American fiction.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News Essay
The nonfiction book of Bernard Richard Goldberg entitled ââ¬Å"Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the Newsâ⬠is phenomenal and controversial. Goldberg boldly and bravely mentioned celebrity news man and reporters who actively participate in the idea of media bias. His book generally states the slanted or one-sided nature of the news coverage. The book will give the readers ideas and evidences on how integrity, fairness, and balance disappeared from news reporting. Hence, this paper attempts to give the readers a glimpse about Goldbergââ¬â¢s perceptions of the how the news is being formulated nowadays. It intends to discuss some of the evidences backed up with Goldbergââ¬â¢s opinion about news formulation in America particularly in the CBS News. This paper also aims to provide personal feedback and evaluations about Goldbergââ¬â¢s charges of media bias and present ideas about journalism today. Veteran CBS reporter, Bernard Richard Goldberg in his book ââ¬Å"Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the Newsâ⬠exposed how media bias prevails in Americaââ¬â¢s media. The title itself gives the readers an idea about its content. The book clearly walks them through from the authorââ¬â¢s experiences in the world of journalism. He delivered an array of criticisms against major broadcasting networks and news reporters. He mentioned his perceptions about his colleaguesââ¬â¢ biases in presenting news. Goldberg showed how news organizations and his colleagues working as ââ¬Ëjournalistsââ¬â¢ operate behind the cameras. Any reader will agree that the extreme bitterness of Goldberg towards his colleagues before was very evident and transparent in the book. The book presents facts and evidences about the idea of the media being leftist. Chapter 5 is a good example on how reporters used media for political persuasion. Goldberg supported this idea through evidence. In 1980, Goldberg started noticing that the homeless people in America showed on the news ââ¬Å"didnââ¬â¢t look very much like the homeless peopleâ⬠(Goldberg 63). The ones he saw on the sidewalks at large were drug addicts or winos who mumbled crazy things, but the ones that journalists showed on television were different. ââ¬Å"They looked as if they came from their neighborhood and mine. They looked like usâ⬠(Goldberg 63). The quantity of homeless people being depicted in the media will somehow tell the leaderââ¬â¢s capability to lessen poverty. During that time, the elected president was Bill Clinton. Goldberg clearly said that media illustrated Bill Clinton as a perfect humanitarian. Homeless people have a better situation than before, or better yet, the problem of homelessness was solved. According to Goldberg, this was about not wanting to show certain Americans at all. Monumental stories of how Americans live their lives are not nearly monumental to some TV journalists. Goldberg criticized that journalists delighted so much on news and stories like Princess Diana, Fidel Castroââ¬â¢s communist dictatorship, and Jon Benet Ramsey but failed to focus on more important issues for American people that need to be addressed. The TV news influenced the viewers that the most important and significant story of contemporary times was Princess Di because it inspired and illuminated the people, but how about the more important realities which need to be solved? Goldberg presented wordy references of how media always ignore more relevant information. An example of the presented evidences was that ââ¬Å"more and more mothers have opted for work outside of the house over taking care of their children at home and the results have been disastrousâ⬠(Goldberg 164). However, serious stories like this were not given serious coverage. The increasing number of sexual abuse in America, the increasing number of premarital sex of children below 15 years old, the effects of divorce and absence of American mothers at home were some of the important stories that were not accentuated in media. Identity politics, according to Goldberg, was very eminent. In his book, Goldberg gave an example: ââ¬Å"During the Clinton impeachment trial in 1999, as the senators signed their names in the oath book swearing they would be fair and impartial, Jennings, who was anchoring ABC Newsââ¬â¢s live coverage, made sure his audience knew which senators were conservatives but uttered not a word about which ones were liberalâ⬠(Goldberg 57). This was a cold fact given which proves that conservatives and liberals in politics are treated in an obviously different manner by the news media. The book also informs the readers how media selects news and how they present it according to their own stand to attract attention. One prominent example is the way AIDS in the U. S. was depicted as an epidemic to ââ¬Å"spark demand for massive government AIDS spending. â⬠Since Goldberg has been in the news reporting field for a long time, readers can easily assume the credibility of the book. Most of the facts presented were even based on his personal experience in the business. His perceptions are backed up with statistics and evidences which will give the readersââ¬â¢ impression that he knows what he is talking about. His bravery to name names would make him gain heroic impression. Personally, however, I found weaknesses in the book. I agree with the idea that reporters mentioned by Goldberg tend to slant the news to cater to their own preferenceââ¬âthe standard of most viewers or the pro government. However, I am skeptic about whether the presented evidences given by Goldberg are enough to coin them media biases. It may be safe to conclude that Goldbergââ¬â¢s colleagues provided some favorable information and concealed unfavorable information to the news viewers. Goldberg observed that reporters choose to cover certain events only, but did he not consider that events are infinite in number which means space and time are necessarily limited? Reporters make their judgments in choosing events to cover which they think are newsworthy. Personally, that is not enough to label them as bias in general. I strongly believe that there is media bias as Goldberg wanted to depict, but the presented evidences were not just enough. I wish he went beyond that. Another weakness I found in the book is that Goldberg used political and technical terms like liberal bias, liberal hate speech, and conservatives to name a few. He failed to define them according to its context. Defining those terms will give the readers an idea what he was talking about. It may be easy to conclude that his target readers are those people working in the same business. Thus, those ordinary people who seek the truth can just define those terms in their own context and reality. As a result, they may misinterpret the message. Goldberg also failed to mention what factors made the media elite to be bias in presenting and choosing news. Was it because of their educational background? What kind of orientation and realities do they have that affect their preferences in judging what is newsworthy? Was it because of laziness, or was it because they unintentionally conform to the standard of the majority? It is natural for a reader to assume that Goldberg can actually answer these questions since they became his colleagues. I wanted to commend Goldbergââ¬â¢s idea about the homeless story. I find it weak. The readers may ask themselves whether homelessness during Bill Clintonââ¬â¢s administration remained stagnant. If only Goldberg provided information on the succeeding 0% of homelessness during Clintonââ¬â¢s era, it might truly create a stronger impact. However, in reading the book based on Goldberg evidences, I came up with the conclusion that the media abused their power to give information according to their own preference and standard. The problem is that they are not aware of it. They think that what they are doing is right. His book is good though in suggesting the news they are feeding the public are filtered and manufactured either intentionally or unintentionally. News must be presented accurately and completely, then let the public judge its context. The problem with journalists is that they tend to go beyond their job. I do not want to think that men and women entered journalism because they want to make a difference. Although that is good, the problem is they may just report certain news motivated by their own idealism and preference. For example, highlighting inspiring stories that may, in their own idea, inspire people and make a difference. Media must be very careful in giving the right and accurate information. Viewers of news want accurate information. They dislike slanted information because it will be costly in time, money, and effort to seek the truth. Despite its weaknesses, the book has motivated me to go and seek beyond the box. It cannot be ignored that Goldberg presented facts in his charges and accusations. The book provides one assurance: one cannot expect perfect accuracy and balance of information even from competitive and ââ¬Å"credibleâ⬠media.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Explain How Groups Can Influence People in Positive and Negative Ways Essay
Being part of a group can give an individual a sense of security, a boost to their self-esteem and a feeling of belonging. They may see themselves as being part of an ââ¬Ëin-groupââ¬â¢. Being part of a group that is seen as being better than others (an ââ¬Ëin-groupââ¬â¢), can create a bond between the members. People of different races or religions, or rival gangs, would be seen as being the ââ¬Ëout-groupââ¬â¢. The sense of security and bonding with the other members can come from having people around you that are working with you, and knowing that you have somebody looking out for you if and when things go wrong. Having people depending on you in a leadership role can give boost an individualââ¬â¢s self esteem. There are many negatives that can come with being part of a group also. Peer pressure and the feeling of having to conform in ways in which may seem inappropriate, could cause members to go along with decisions and behaviour made, so that they fit in even though they know the outcomes wonââ¬â¢t possibly be the best ones. The pressure to conform in front of other members of a group was apparent in an experiment carried out by Solomon Asch in the 1950s. It showed how members of a group will go along with decisions that others make even though they know that itââ¬â¢s not necessarily the correct choice. A small group were shown a picture of a line and then asked out of three other lines, which one was the same length. Several members of the group deliberately gave the wrong answer. They had been influenced by the experimenters. The results showed that the level of conformity grew when the answers were said out loud. The level of conformity decreased when the participants were asked to write down their answers in private. The members (not in on the experiment) clearly felt that they needed to conform with the rest of the group, whether it was because they didnââ¬â¢t want to seem stupid or they just felt pressured into agreeing a nd not being the odd one out. During the 1950s and 1960s an experiment carried out by Muzafer Sherif et al (1961) took a group of boys from a summer camp and divided them into two groups. The boys interacted well at first, working together and behaving in ways that would be expected, until they set up a tournament type competition. The behaviour between the groups very quickly turned negative with name calling, hostility and aggression. Within the groups though, the level of solidarity was extremely high between the boys. Once the experimenters intervened and introduced activities that encouraged the groups to work together again, the boys were able to cooperate well and any bad feelings were forgotten. This experiment shows how peer pressure clearly had quite an influence on the boysââ¬â¢ behaviour as the aggression felt towards the other group clearly wasnââ¬â¢t personal as the negative behaviour was quickly forgotten once the experimenters took control. It seems more so that one member, possibly the boy seen as the ââ¬Ëleaderââ¬â¢, made a move, quickly the rest of the groupââ¬â¢s behaviour changed one by one escalating to such hostilities. The members of the individual groups would have felt as though they were the à ¢â¬Ëin-groupsââ¬â¢ and probably felt a sense of security in that they had others working with them and the self esteem of the ââ¬Ëleaderââ¬â¢ would have risen significantly. Another example of how being part of a group can have itââ¬â¢s negatives and positives is the story of Dorinne Kondo (1990). She was a Japanese American woman who, having lived all her life in America, goes to Japan to study. There, she stays with a Japanese family, the Sakamotos. Kondo finds it hard to conform from the start of her visit and she feels she is being judged for looking Japanese but not acting in the correct manner or being able to properly communicate as she didnââ¬â¢t speak the language. After spending time and helping out with the family she is staying with, Kondo gradually learns the way to do things to suit the Japanese culture. After she gets praise from Mr Sakamoto himself for greeting him with a bow in the traditional manner and when her teacher praises her flawless performance at the tea ceremony, Kondo will no doubt have had a boost to her self esteem and possibly a bonding with the Japanese women. The negatives seem to out-weigh the positives during Kon doââ¬â¢s time in Japan though as she struggled with the fact that women are seen as being below the males and having to bow down (literally) to them. She felt obliged to take on the ââ¬Ëdaughterââ¬â¢ role during her stay and a feeling of peer pressure to perform as a Japanese woman, even though it wasnââ¬â¢t necessarily the way she would act in her life in America. In conclusion being in a social group (the boys from the Robbers Cave experiment) there seemed to be more positives as the boys felt they had others on their side and lots of back up when things turned bad. Their self esteem would have been pretty high and the bond between them all would of grown as the time went on. Kondos story, which showed more of a cultural group, had more negatives as she really felt the pressure to conform to suit her cultural group and setting.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Write a Thesis in Criminal Justice Ultimate Guide
How to Write a Thesis in Criminal Justice Ultimate Guide Wondering how to write a master thesis in criminal justice on the topic of your choice? A master thesis in criminal justice is often considered to be a ticket to labor market. It has to be an original contribution to this interesting field of studies which means that you need to provide an answer to original research question which hasnââ¬â¢t been exhaustively discussed in previous publications. Writing this final project can be really challenging because you need to do more than just reproduce what other scholars have written on your topic. A thesis is a long-form research paper that develops the original thought and presents new insight within the academic field. To help you get started, we offer you a complete guide on how to write a thesis in criminal justice where you can find recommendations on choosing an interesting topic, formulating a good research question, creating a research proposal, writing a draft, revising, editing, and proofreading. If you face problem with completing other academic projects, check our full guides to all writing assignments out there. Specifics of Writing a Thesis in Criminal Justice Criminal justice is a cross-disciplinary field that examines causes of crime, making laws, and efforts to control crime made by society through systems of criminal and juvenile justice. Writing in criminal justice involves creating well-documented arguments and formulating a defensible thesis statement supported by evidence. An effective thesis statement should be easy to understand, clear, concise, and supported by research and evidence. Students who take criminal justice courses are asked to summarize scholarly articles, synthesize research material, and apply different theories to analyzing particular cases. Being an empirical field of studies, criminal justice uses carefully collected and documented evidence to support arguments. This evidence is divided into 2 categories: quantitative data expressed in numbers and drawn from statistics, surveys, content analysis of documents, and experiments; qualitative data is based on texts, interviews, and observations, and can be used to understand behavior patterns. Students who take part in a criminal justice Mastersââ¬â¢ program are required to write a thesis on topic of their choice and defend it over the course of their final year. The goal of a thesis is to develop new knowledge on a specific topic through broad research. Writing a thesis gives every student an opportunity to prove his/her deep understanding of an academic field of criminal justice as well as abilities to do research and draw conclusions. Your thesis in criminal justice must be formatted using APA style guide. Your thesis should be based on the analysis of appropriate data to explore an empirical problem, examine a phenomenon or test a theory or hypothesis. And you should use appropriate field-based, laboratory-based, phenomenological, naturalistic or experimental methods or a combination of different methods. Choose a Winning Topic for Research If you decide to write a thesis in criminal justice, you should start planning your paper as early as possible. Identify a broad topic using general terms. You should choose a topic you are passionate about and narrow it to make it specific and manageable. Look for an overview of your topic in criminal justice in encyclopedias and select some specific aspect of your general topic. Then you will need to identify scholarly sources and read them critically to come up with an interesting research question or a realistic hypothesis. For example, when writing a project about racial disparity in the criminal justice system in the USA, your thesis statement/hypothesis may look like this one: ââ¬ËRacial disparity in the US criminal justice system is a persistent complex problem that exists due to legal and extralegal factors and results in differential treatment of people based on race by the criminal justice system. Racial disparities in case outcomes are driven by such case characteristics as prior criminal history and seriousness of the arresting offence.ââ¬â¢ Selecting a good topic can be a difficult task so here are 15 powerful thesis topics for your consideration. History and Philosophy of Criminal Justice System; Correlation Between Ethnicity, Race, and Criminal Justice; Law Enforcement System: Ethics, Organization, Police-community Interaction; History of the Death Penalty in the USA; Data Analysis in Criminal Justice; Identification of Local Crime Cycles and Trends; Causes of Crime and Crime Victims; Criminological Perspective on Sexual Offending; Women in the Criminal Justice System: Victims, Offenders, and Professionals; Changing Attitudes to Punishment; Juvenile Justice in The USA; Psychology of Crime; Crime Control and Crime Prevention; Impact of Globalization on Criminal Justice; Statistics in Criminology. When writing your thesis, you will go through all the steps involved in doing research: Formulating a research question; Creating research design and doing research to collect data; Analyzing gathered data; Creating the final thesis. Your research can be done in different ways, including empirical socio-legal research that brings new insight on a criminal justice topic, literature research for developing recommendations or a policy plan, evaluation research which examines and analyzes implementation of a specific law or policy or effects of a specific law or policy, meta-analysis to determine effectiveness of a specific criminal justice law, policy or intervention. Keep in mind that research is a cyclic process that is going on as you are writing your thesis. After choosing a topic and conducting preliminary research, you will need to select a thesis committee and submit a research proposal briefly describing the project you are willing to conduct. Create a Research Proposal for Your Thesis in Criminal Justice The goal of a research proposal is to convince other people that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have a plan how to complete it. Your research proposal should include all the key elements of the research process and all the necessary information to help readers evaluate the proposed project. In your research proposal and an oral defense, you need to address the following issues: The purpose of your study, its theoretical and practical significance; The research question or hypothesis; Literature review describing basic findings of related studies; Methodology for collecting data and methods for data analysis; A proposed timeline for completing your thesis with deadlines for completing each section. Your final thesis may have the following structure: Abstract provides a brief overview of the entire thesis; The introduction indicates the gap in the existing knowledge and includes a hypothesis; A literature review evaluates the previous research on the topic; Methods section outlines methods for collecting data and analyzing results; The results section presents findings; Discussion chapter comments on the results and interprets them; Conclusions section emphasizes that research objectives have been achieved. Recommendations on Writing Chapters of a Thesis in Criminal Justice The abstract is typically written when the entire paper has been completed. Itââ¬â¢s a concise summary of a thesis which shouldnââ¬â¢t be more than 350 words. In this document, you state the problem, tell about investigation, and present general conclusions. This part of your thesis shouldnââ¬â¢t include any graphs, tables or illustrations. The introduction presents research in detail. It should clearly state your theme, your goals, research question or hypothesis. Itââ¬â¢s important to provide necessary background information to ensure that even non-specialists will be able to read and understand this part of your thesis. You can also provide a quick review of the existing literature. The literature review is a separate section which provides analyses of the previous research on the topic. Itââ¬â¢s not a simple collection of summaries so you should approach it in an analytical, comparative, and evaluative manner. Analyzing the previous literature, you will provide the basis for a detailed formulation of the problem, setting of the goals, and the definition of the concepts. The content of this chapter is the ground to comparing results and making conclusions. The methods section justifies the choice and the use of data collection methods as well as methods of data analysis. You can use qualitative or quantitative data collection methods or their combinations. Your task is to tell your readers how you conducted your research so they will be able to replicate your study. The results section highlights the main research findings by presenting facts of their results without analyzing them. You will do analysis later when writing your discussion chapter. You should also present unrealized hypothesis and negative results. You can illustrate the key results with tables, direct quotes from the data, and figures. Discussions section gives a critical analysis of how the thesis goals were achieved. Itââ¬â¢s the most important section in your thesis. You need to comment on your results and explain them to your readers. Itââ¬â¢s critical to relate the results from your study to previous theory or research to emphasize how they feel the gap in the existing knowledge. You should also mention limitations of your research and provide recommendations about future directions. In the Conclusion section, you need to describe the overall contribution of your thesis to a broader field of studies. You have to provide conclusions about your hypothesis and goals presented in the introduction. You should also tell about the significance of your study, its strengths and limitations. Besides, you may provide suggestions on how your findings could be applied to solving real-life problems and tell about possible directions for further research. Revise Your Thesis in Criminal Justice Revision stage is very important because it allows you to sharpen your focus and argument and make it clear to your readers. At this point, you can also improve and further develop your ideas. Revision happens before editing and requires from you think large-scale. Here are some tips on using effective strategies for revising your thesis. Make a reverse outline of your draft. When your thesis has been written, create an outline of your thesis paper which will help you better see the paper structure and logical flow of your ideas. Rearrange your paragraphs if you notice some gaps in logic. Develop a check-list of what to look for according to guidelines for your thesis paper. Use highlighter approach to visualize where specific information is located and how it works as a whole throughout your project. Use highlighters of different colors to isolate various content elements of your thesis paper to see how they go together in your draft. Apply paragraph-level revisions to see whether all paragraphs are well-organized and effective. Review each paragraph separately to examine such elements as a topic sentence, transitions, progression logic, focus, and length. Make sure that each paragraph starts with a topic sentence that informs your readers about the main point and that there are transition words and phrases that allow readers to follow your logic. Divide a paragraph into two if you notice itââ¬â¢s too long or covers too many points. Cut rearrange. Print your thesis and cut your thesis into individual paragraphs with scissors. Then you will be able to physically rearrange paragraphs in your draft to see the best option for organization and the development of ideas in your argument. First, revise your thesis as a whole and make changes to improve the flow and the logic. Then revise paragraphs and separate sentences. Read your thesis aloud sentence by sentence and find places where you lost focus or which are too vague so they need fixing. Follow these tips to ensure that you write good sentences: Look for places where you use the same word twice in the same paragraph and find alternative ways to express the same idea. Use strong verbs in active voice. Make sure you use different sentence patterns in a paragraph. Mix complex sentences with simple and compound sentences for a variety. Try to avoid using too many sentences which start with there is and it is to make your paragraphs more engaging. Use a thesaurus and a good dictionary to find the precise words to convey your meaning. Finally, proofread your thesis in criminal justice and fix all minor grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes and typos and check your formatting to ensure that it is consistent. Writing a thesis in criminal justice can be a labor-intensive but rewarding experience. Its preparation can give you a taste for real-world research and be useful if you pursue a research or academic career. We hope that our easy writing guide will help you successfully complete your project from the beginning of the proposal to final defense and graduate with a Master of Arts degree.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Information Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Information Policy - Essay Example ough investment in education is very crucial, it is restricted by the budget constraints of the available resources (Global-economic-symposium.org, 2015). The world today is a technological world, and everybody would not wish to be left behind in the wake of these developments. Information technology (IT) as a subset of education is, therefore, an essential instrument to create all round students equipped with valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices. Learning systems have gone digital, for example, e-learning and Skype, thereby transforming the entire education to a whole new digital platform. These factors make IT a priority investment in education systems. Education systems of developing countries are relatively limited compared to industrialized nations due financial shortages, limited internet access, inadequately trained teachers as well as lack of proper policies and implementation strategies (Heeks, 2002). Developing countries also face digital divide not only between countries but also within the countries themselves. In developed countries such as the USA, all students have access to IT in classrooms, schools and home with all teachers using IT. The learners also access information and computer literacy easily with the internet everywhere. Education technology is a scientific principle in the teaching in industrialized countries. It is a general term that is not just as a series of components or processes. The knowledge encompasses education technology in teaching, software education, self-education, and system tendency that are just dreams in developing countries. Global-economic-symposium.org, (2015).à Effective Investments in Education ââ¬â Global Economic Symposium. Retrieved 1 July 2015, from
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Configuring Files, NTFS, and Backups Assignment
Configuring Files, NTFS, and Backups - Assignment Example Security breaches possibly caused by human actions, which could be malicious, accidental, or through improper installation, operation or configuration. This paper presents guidelines that should be adopted to ensure efficient management and security of any information and communication technology network. These guidelines are written with keeping in mind of a less experienced IT network managers, to assist them in understanding and dealing with the risks they face. Upon implementation, these guidelines will go a long way in easing with problems of network insecurity. Network security policy guidelines are the practices and rules followed by an institution to protect its information resources. These polices must be documented, developed, reviewed, implemented and evaluated to ensure the integrity of the network. Hence, the need for these policies by an institution is never overemphasized (Avolio & Fallin, 2007). Program policies. It tackles overall Network security goals and it should be applied to all IT resources inside an institution. The institutionââ¬â¢s management must instruct policy development to guarantee that the policies address the Network security requirements of all systems operating within the institution. System-specific policies. It addresses the Network security matters and requirements of a particular system. Corporate facilities may have several sets of system-specific policies that address security from the very common (access control) to the particular (system authorizations that reflect the isolation of duties among a team of employees). Create an approval procedure to include legal and human resources specialists, regulatory specialists and procedure and policy experts. Allow maximum time for the review and respond to every comment whether you accept it or not. Institution once developed its network security policy; next step is to document these policies. Each department is responsible to protect its networks,
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